We're going to go big here in order to grab some attention. 

heck yes, i'm in!

You did not wake up to be mediocre.

You did not set out to be like every other coach, screaming the same stuff online.. you showed up because you are different, and you have a greatness inside of you. One that is uniquely you. Your greatness is your secret weapon. 

niche domination

Are you helping people with meal planning, yoga, diets, body building? You aren’t a health coach - you are so much more than that!

Why are you trying to help EVERYONE? Why are you trying to be like every other coach out there - claiming to be a health, business or relationship coach?

You don't have to do it alone.

So tell me

Girl, that’s the power of a niche. You get to work with your dream clients, doing what you are most passionate about, and create a stand out brand that you can fall in love with. All without having to feel as if you are selling yourself. 

When we connect your business and personal passions you no longer have to focus on how to “be like everyone else”, because you will be uniquely you. So that when your dream clients contact you for help, or you jump on a call with them - you are beyond excited, because you know exactly how to help them. 

Can you imagine waking up every morning, getting to hang out with your bestie, all while growing your biz?

I’m all about helping you create a business you love. One where you wake up every day, bouncing out of bed with an “I get to” mentality. 

This isn’t about being a boss babe and breaking through “the” glass ceiling - it’s about being an INDEPENDENT Boss Babe and breaking through YOUR OWN glass ceiling. 

This is the year that you finally turn your passion into profits. 

How could I match up against all of the other coaches and stand out in a sea of online noise? 

How do I stand out in the sea of online noise, when it seems like everyone is successfully doing the exact same thing?
How do I make myself different. (Besides just “being myself”). 

You may be thinking:

You may have even caught yourself purchasing a one size fits no one course to try and help you out of this chaos. (I lost count on how many I’ve purchased - don’t worry you aren’t alone). It can be really frustrating when you see everyone else bragging and bringing in yet another sale. 

You don't have to do it alone.

Real Talk:

If you’re feeling the expectation to niche, it has probably led to some pretty crazy overwhelm. It’s okay, I got you. BREATHE.

Here's What You Need:

eliminate imposters syndrome for good

Using my PROOF method, you will gain clarity on what the heck it is you actually do, unleash your superpower and have the confidence to sell to your dream clients.

REAL Support From A REAL Human

This is not just another online course, this is your first step to massive success. You want a REAL HUMAN to tell you what works. Someone to teach you the step by step strategies on how to create a brand that stands out, while creating a genuine connections with your dream clients. Someone who will sit down with you personally, to ensure you are on the right track.

Turn Your Passion Into Profit

You experienced pain at some point, and instead of living in it - you are here because you have made the decision to be unstoppable and unshakeable. Let me show you how to align your personal and business passions, so you can find your audience and speak directly to their souls desire. You will finally understand the POWER of the dream client.

Turn your multi-passionate business into a profit driven machine. Learn how to turn your passions to profits while creating a dream-client connection all in this 3-stage, self-paced program, backed by both private and group live support.

Niche Domination


The key to creating a lasting biz, one in which you love, involves having a niche that speaks directly to your heart and soul, and has profitability. 

I'm giving you my exact step-by-step system on how I established a niche that has allowed me to build a profitable business doing everything I love - so that you too can create or fall back in love with a business that you both adore and can make more money at.   

What's Inside The Course

While everybody else is yelling into the sea of online noise, hoping for anyone and everyone to bite - you'll be busy swiping right on your dream clients.

dream big

Stage One: Dream

Inside of stage one you will identify and define your very own superpower that is uniquely you. You may already have an idea, perhaps you have 20 ideas and are thinking "I want to do them all". Your dream to impact lives at such a great degree may have you stuck on where to start, but your dream matters to us. Stage one will help you gain clarity and become more confident in what you have to offer. 

Course breakdown:

Inside of Stage One I will walk you through:
- How to create a passion and profitability matrix
- Using our Signature PROOF Method we give you an actual strategy to eliminate Imposters Syndrome for good
- Clearly and confidently own your identity and sell yourself as an authority in your space
- Clearly articulate to your audience the results you provide
- Narrow down your niche

let's hustle

Stage Two: Hustle

Inside of Stage Two you will design your very own dream client. I'll walk you through how to actually find them online, while personally connecting you on a private 1:1 coaching call to ensure you are on the right track and answer all your burning questions.

Inside of Stage Two I will walk you through:
- How to find you dream client online
- Create your very own avatar using templates
- How to create targeted content to have your dream client raising their hand for you
- Our conversational marketing templates to connect and investigate your dream client

time to glow

Stage Three: Glow

Inside of Stage Three we are diving into your big WHY and the results that your dream client will achieve by working with you. You will learn how to position yourself as the expert and be able to clearly articulate who you help and how you help them. It's time to turn your passions into profit!

Inside of Stage Three I will walk you through: 
- Create your elevator pitch
- Clearly articulate who you help and how you help them
- Create features, adventures and benefits of your why
- How to position yourself as the expert

teach me plz

Templates + Course Book

Ready to take a step inside your very own transformational library of references, tools and more? The gold nuggets are great, but here we give you our exact strategies to help you execute and take massive action!

Inside of this library you will get:
- The Niche Domination Course Book to keep you on track
- Our Signature PROOF System to have you eliminating Imposters Syndrome for good 
- Our exact conversational marketing guide to attracting your dream clients online
- Dream Client templates to bring your vision to life
- The perfect pitch formula  to creating your elevator pitch

Study at your own pace

Plan based on your learning style


Follow a proven roadmap

How do I turn my passions into profits?

Am I really the woman for the job?

What is my superpower?

How do I narrow down my niche?

Why do I have to narrow down my niche when I know this can help everyone?

How do I position myself as an authority?


How do I create my elevator pitch?

Where do I find my dream client online?

Finally get the answers to all your burning questions:

"If you have a mission and purpose but need help finding your dream client, and content - she’s the master of it."

next review

I've been there too...

That’s what people tell you to do. I get it. But you got your own spunk, your own brand that makes you who you are. What if you got off the boring train, stopped doing all the things that made people run for the hills and actually attracted clients to you. Because of who YOU are? 

Are you getting caught flooding people’s DMs, using copy and paste... telling them about your product or service hoping they buy? Come on girl. That’s not you. 

That’d be pretty cool right?

 I also called myself a “life coach” once upon a time. What does that even mean? A coach on life? 

I remember someone asking me: “What about life - what will you help me do?” The truth was that I didn’t know who SPECIFICALLY I wanted to help. I would get behind my keyboard, and unlike my blog - I had no idea what to say in my posts. 

They ended up being filled with motivation and lots of stories of my life.. but when someone asked me privately “what do you do”, even I didn’t know how to explain it. 

I’m guilty too.

but nowI know how to help!

Because ouuuueeee when you get that baby nailed, the content FLOWSSSSS out of you. It may feel like it is taking you FOREVER to hone in on your “niche” or your “superpower”. 

You aren’t alone. I felt the same frustration, sleepless nights, overwhelm, and the tears you fight back because it seems like everybody else is just “getting it”. You know you have so much to offer the world, but you don’t know how to get specific. 

I knew I wanted to help people.
I knew I had been through a crap ton of trauma and chaos in relationships. 
I had suffered addiction in my past. 
I was in and out of hospitals due to brain tumours and all sorts of stuff since I was 4. 

But I really didn’t know what I wanted to COACH people on. And for you coaches out there, struggling with your niche, I know you hear me.

This led to me taking course after course and falling in love with content creation. As I began working with coaches on their content I found myself having to take them backwards before they could move forwards (I know this may sound a little scary!). BUT if you don’t have a clear niche, your content will speak to no one - and this is why you are getting PERSONALIZED coaching along with this course. 

And what I learned was.. if you are struggling to create content it’s not content that is the problem. It’s your niche. 

Then everything changed.

This      for you if:

You are ruthlessly committed to making an impact

You are comfortable with settling and trying to survive

You’re ready to get to work and build a brand and biz you love

You want to get rich quick without putting in any effort or work

Understand that there’s no perfect time to start other than NOW

It's probably        for you if...

You penny-pinch and delay decisions, while hopelessly chasing shiny objects and quick fixes



"She's opened my eyes to the importance of niche, finding my aligning my content towards my dream client, and owning my value in the coaching world."

- Victoria

From the first masterclass I attended, Brittany expressed the passion and energy that I was looking for in a coach. Along with her mad strategy skills, she's exceeded all my expectations as my business coach.  Her personal touch in assisting with growing my business has been the biggest game changer. She believed in the dreams I had and supported me when I didn't.

"I was sort of all over the place, trying to serve everyone and going nowhere. I had an idea of my ideal client but I didn’t want to leave anyone out."

- velvette

I have been able to hone in on my dream client and that has truly helped me to become my authentic self because I am no longer trying to “serve” everyone but I am using my energy to attract my dream client. I have gained my confidence in my skills and abilities as a coach. 

Millennial + Entrepreneur = A Force To Be Reckoned With

So if you've been pulling out your hair frustrated that you haven't been able to create a connection online, or perhaps you're struggling to create content - then you're in the right place. Because the real secret that no one tells us is that the niche is the key to it all (of course you're here looking for guidance so you probably know this already). 

Break through your own glass ceiling

Do something different to get to where you aren’t yet

Turn your passion into profit

Ditch your 9-5 and go all in

Build a brand that you fall in love with

Attract dream clients who are ready to buy now

If you want this to be the year that you *finally* commit to:


Create an impact and change lives

I’m a Canadian made female entrepreneur, rebel business mentor, podcaster and abundance activator. I’m head over heels for pineapples, PSLs, and traveling the world. I am an unapologetically fierce, and ambitious millennial. 

Everything I do, I believe in challenging the status quo to help you break through your own glass ceiling to achieve a life of freedom and fulfillment. I design success focused programs specific to what you need to move the needle in your business. I just happen to be the coach for coaches. 

Like stories? i'm just like you!

I am committed to helping you as an online creator and female entrepreneur wherever you are in the world to turn your dreams into a reality, by transforming your messaging so that you can create a genuine connection with your audience and grow your income online.

My Promise