Not Your Average Coaching Experience

We help coaches build a heart-centred brand online that influences and creates a connection beyond a screen. I’m all about helping you bring your vision to life! 

Private coaching

Choose your experience

voxer coaching


 I believe the only way to create REAL value is through helping others succeed. This means, personalized, success focused programs specifically designed for coaches like you who actually give a damn about your clients.

So you want a coach right? I want you to toss away anything and everything you’ve been told about coaching.
I’m not your average coach. 

You don't have to do it alone.

real talk:

You made the decision to build a brand uniquely you, that you fell in love with and exploded your business, all while working with your dream clients and without having to sell yourself. You brought the best you forward and achieved greater freedom and fulfilment. 

It’s time to break through your own glass ceiling. An empire begins the day you set yourself free and the real you is born. Today is that day. The day you begin to discover who you have always been and who you are becoming. 

What if you woke up every single morning and gave yourself permission to have a dream...

This is not a one size fits no one program. This is specifically tailored to who you are, and the lives you want to impact. With a coach who is committed to falling in love with your business just as much as you. 

What if this year, you stopped supporting others dreams and you started going after your own? 

This is your year to create an empire as the real you, and to live in your legacy. The year where you stand on your own two feet, own your greatness and set your soul on fire.

Because this isn’t just about you, it’s about your clients..

There’s more beneath the surface of wanting to leave the 9-5 and being tired of trading dollars for hours. 

Sure.. you are most likely striving for independence just like every other coach out there. Girl, I get it.
But this is NOT your average coaching experience. 

The Rebellious Female Entrepreneur 

 that you were born to be. 

It’s time to become

Here's What You Need:


In the place of trying to be enough, you need someone to show you how to own your greatness. To hold you accountable, and help give your vision birth when no one else get’s it. 


You experienced pain at some point, and instead of living in it - you are here because you have made the decision to be unstoppable and unshakeable. You are here to share your gift with the world, because you aspire to change, save and impact lives. You just need to know how to create the impact. 


You just want someone to tell you what works. Someone to teach you the step by step strategies on how to create a brand that stands out, how to own and monetize your story, while creating a genuine connection with your dream clients. 

What are you going to make happen this year to ensure that you don’t walk into next year saying,
“There was more of me to give”.
I’m here to help you give it your all.






The results you're going to get:

How does this sound?

Attract your dream clients and get them saying “Hell Yes” to your offers

Own and monetize your story to inspire and influence

Build a stand out brand, accept that money is sexy and explode your business

Make Life Your Bitch: Achieve greater freedom and fulfillment

Own your Rebellious identity
(Buh-Bye Imposters Syndrome)

heck yes! Sign me up

How it works

Introductory Coaching Call where we will do a Content Assessment and create your Influencer Roadmap.

clarity call

Build A Stand Out Brand:
Together we will design your program and brand specific to who you are as a coach.


 Learn the strategy on how to create an impact online, find your dream client and explode your biz.


"I was sitting on my ideas and dreams and did not know how to proceed."

Brittany has been my coach for the past six months and I cannot say enough about her in one small testimonial. She has an ability to jumpstart your sleeping self with utmost care and a bit of tough love to make you reach the place you have always dreamt of.

shikha launching a new program


"Brittany is going to be the best investment you could ever make! We hit it off from the get go, and the value she delivered blew me out of the water. She believed in the dreams I had and supported me when I didn't."

victoria successfully hit the 10k month mark 

Her coaching and courses have dramatically changed how fast I was able to scale my business. Within the first few months of working together I was able to hit past my financial goals with ease! I was able to leave my 9 to 5 given the confidence and clarity I had in my business. Brittany's guidance and support during that transition made my dreams possible! She's helped me construct my offer stack, scale my prices, and successfully hit the 10K month mark!

next case study →

"I have doubled my 1:1 and group program rates, sold out my group program this month, signed my first international client, and I am creating my own unique signature program." 

velvette hit her first 10k month

Brittany has been just what I needed to move my business forward. Her no BS, straight shooter approach has helped me to stay accountable and stay focused on my goal to transition from the corporate world to working my business full time. The valuable tools she has provided in a few short months we have worked together has really helped move the needle forward in my business. I have gained the confidence in my coaching skills. I have faced my limiting beliefs and pushed through them.

next case study →

Courage is looking fear right in the eye and saying: 

"Get the hell out of my way, I'VE got things to do.”

10 Day Voxer Coaching

Heck yes, I'm in!

What's Included:

Investment: $555

10 Days 1:1 Voxer coaching (Text & Audio)

One 90-minute Private 1:1 Coaching + Strategy Calls

Private Support

Recorded Session For Future Reference

Private 1:1 

What's Included:

Quarterly - Wealthy Rebel Workshop

Monthly - Content Planning & Audits

Bi-Weekly - Live Immersive Group Coaching

Weekly - Co-Working Sessions with Live Support

Plus so much more!

Currently 3-Month Options

Time to Level-Up!

Daily - Private Group Voxer Chat (Text & Audio)

Make Life Your Bitch Mastermind

Explode your biz for only:

Private Recorded Sessions For Future Reference

Monthly Private 1:1 Coaching + Strategy Calls

VIP Personalized Support

Daily 1:1 Voxer Coaching (Text & Audio)

Sound like you?

What are you going to make happen this year to ensure that you don’t walk into next year saying “There was more of me to give”. I’m here to help you give it your all. 

Access To All Previously Recorded Calls

Access To Private Online Learning Portal & Exclusive Course Library

I used to try and hide the pain behind my eyes. 

You have your own story as to what got you to where you are today, to make the decision to want to make an impact on the world, to not only change lives but to also save lives. 

It’s okay to have set dreams in the past, and for them to no longer align with the woman you are today. I set out to achieve my 13 year old dream, and in 2015 when I finally did it - my first thoughts were “Now what?”

i can help because i've been there

but nowI know how to help!

When I stepped out of the chaos and drama, and into my greatness in 2018 - it didn’t happen over night. I wasn’t damaged, but I had felt as if my world was shattered. I wasn’t broken, but I felt as if I needed to change everything about me. I wasn’t ready to die, but I feared what the future had in store for me. I looked at the new challenge as an opportunity instead. 

I loved, and I hurt. But I made a decision. I would never allow myself to feel this way again, and I would pick up the pieces of my life and finally go after my dreams. I stopped playing small and I threw out the cookie cutter blueprint, that I was expected to live. 

I received a call from someone telling me they had a dream that I had jumped off a cliff, and my response was - did you ever consider that maybe I was learning to fly?

I thought I knew who I was, but I really didn’t have a clue. 

you're in the right place.

 I made it my mission to help women around the world to turn their dreams into a reality. That despite any trauma or struggle that stood in her way, for her to know that her dreams were worth it. 

That she could break through her own glass ceiling she had allowed herself and others to create, and instead see that her dreams are achievable and attainable. 

You are standing at the edge of your greatness, not knowing if you could fly or fall - but if you never take the leap you will never allow yourself to see how powerful you are. Don’t rob yourself or the world of who you are as a coach.

I carved my own way, and I created a new blueprint.

We are fierce millennials and we are rebellious female entrepreneurs.. that makes us a force to be reckoned with.

Let's be real..

Own Your Rebel Woman Identity And Be The Authority In Your Space

Ignite Your Relationships And Create An Impact With Your Dream Clients

Unleash Your Superpower And Know Exactly Who You Help And How You Help Them

It's Okay For Money To Be Sexy! Learn The Secret Sauce To Selling To Your Dream Clients

Have A Clear Plan, And Roadmap On How To Create Massive Value While Growing Your Biz 

Own And Monetize Your Story By Creating Content That Inspires And Influences

By the end of your personalized, success focused program, you will...

lets do it

"Before working with Brittany I did other programs, but I often felt lost and confused and didn’t know my next steps." 

- Liz Faith

She is very kind, considerate and caring - but she will push you in the best and most loving way possible. She’s there every step of the way. What truly sets her apart is that she actually knows, and cares about your vision and has called me when I’ve doubted myself, when I’ve thought about changing my niche, my mission, she’s the one that called me back to my truth and reminded me of my strength.

I am the coach who will fall in love with your business just as much as you, to help you succeed. 

We believe that there is no failure unless you quit.

 I am here to help you, and not sell you. My services are NOT for everyone, because I am a firm believer in the dream client. I show my clients exactly how to identify and find their dream clients because we get to choose and create our empire. This isn’t about selling anyone who walks through the door. 

You’ve been encouraged to play it safe for years (let me guess, your parents must be baby boomers?) 

But you know that’s not who you are. You take risks because you know your dreams are bigger than the cubicle life. I am here to shake you up and remind you that the world needs your gifts. I am the coach who is here for you, to give your vision birth, even when no one else gets it.

We focus on breaking through your own glass ceiling.

I’m a Canadian made female entrepreneur, rebel business mentor, podcaster and abundance activator. I’m head over heels for pineapples, PSLs, and traveling the world. I am an unapologetically fierce, and ambitious millennial. 

Everything I do, I believe in challenging the status quo to help you break through your own glass ceiling to achieve a life of freedom and fulfillment. I design success focused programs specific to what you need to move the needle in your business. I just happen to be the coach for coaches. 

Like stories? i'm just like you!

I am committed to helping you as an online creator and female entrepreneur wherever you are in the world to turn your dreams into a reality, by transforming your messaging so that you can create a genuine connection with your audience and grow your income online.

My Promise

This program includes everything you need to explode your biz online

Greatness is a decision and your birthright, and it all starts with the decision to take massive imperfect action. I am the coach who will help you give your vision birth, even when nobody else gets it. Making a decision and taking action towards your vision is the only way to move the needle. So are you ready to try something new? Something to finally take your from where you are to where you want to be?

select the plan that works for you:

10-Day Private Voxer Coaching

Investment of $555

let's get started!

1:1 Private Experience

3 Months option

let's get started!

I'm All In

Ready to Make More Money In Your Coaching Business?

Check it out here!

Join The Make Life Your Bitch Membership designed for female entrepreneurs who want to break free from traditional business constraints and build an audience of buyers.